







The presumption that two bodies can influence each other or act in concert, without actually being in physical contact, is the subject of this telepathic experimentation. Through 28 telepathy sessions spread across one year, P & B take turns in transmitting and receiving, each time starting with a photograph. They generate a poetic visual correspondence that involves learning to negotiate distance – not to overcome it, but a way of traveling within it.

The design for Telepoetics renders telepathic experimentation in an obvious format: the telephone book. Resurrecting the surely outdated or should we say decease format? We opted to take the neologism ‘hauntology’, introduced by French philosopher Jacques Derrida in 1993 as a work method. The form of the telephone book is a ghost reminding us of places and localities, fixed land lines and positions that now, as we know, are evaporating.

We use the Romanian alphabet that consists of 31 letters as a navigation tool. Further, we use a typographic deconstruction emphasizing the attempt to locate the origin of identity or history that is inevitably dependent on an always- already existing set of linguistic conditions. By showing the process of loading images and text fragments, we aim to invite the reader to relive the telepoetic exercise with the authors. Using the yellow thin paper that has an uncanny transparency, we voice the fragile mechanisms of memory that surely in any telepoetic activity play an active role.

Patricia Morosan & Bianca Oana

Céline Pévrier

Three Postcards
Sarah Shin

First Romanian Translation of Télépathie by Jacques Derrida
Bogdan Ghiu

Printed in October 2024 in Greece by
Future Format

Published in October 2024 by
sun/sun éditions

in collaboration with
Manekino Cultural Association